Saturday, 6 June 2020

MIT App Inventor Hackathon 2020

MIT App Inventor Hackathon 2020
MIT App Inventor Hackathon 2020 Registration To ensure that we have enough judges, we are requesting that teams register for the competition prior to June 19th. For team registrations, only one member per team needs to register (please indicate all team member names in the form). There is no restriction on the size a team, but be aware that adding more team members may impede team progress. Note: we may limit the number of teams allowed to register depending on demand to ensure that judges can have enough time to thoroughly review final submissions. Please click here to register. Timeline Item Date Registration Deadline June 19 Hackathon Kickoff July 12 Hackathon Submissions July 18 Finalists Announced July 25 Winners Announced Aug 3 Note: We will announce a more specific set of themes for apps at 00:00 GMT on July 12th (20:00 EDT July 11th) at the start of the hackathon. Tracks We will be offering 5 tracks for the hackathon. Individual youth - Individuals under the age of 18 working alone on a project. Team youth - Teams of individuals under the age of 18 working on a project. Mixed team - Teams of individuals of all ages, but at least one under 18 and one over 18, working on a project. Individual adult - Individuals 18 and older working alone on a project. Team adult - Teams of individuals 18 and older working on a project. Submission Requirements Teams must submit an AIA project export of their App Inventor app as well as a video of no more than 2 minutes explaining how the app works. Judges will test all apps using the server, but participants can use any of the MIT run App Inventor services to develop their apps. List of MIT services: (USA) (USA) (Hong Kong) (China) Video Information Videos may be in languages other than English, but we kindly ask that if you choose to record your video in another language that you provide English subtitles for the judges. Videos may be hosted on a third party service (e.g., YouTube), but must be accessible for judging. The submission form will allow you to upload a video or provide a link. Given that judges may be reviewing many submissions, use the video as an opportunity to highlight the main goals and features of your app. App Information Apps should be submitted as exported projects, and should be the original works of the team members. Judges will import your projects into App Inventor to evaluate and test them. If we need a login to use your app, please use the corresponding fields in the final submission form to provide login details for the judges. Please do not use any copyrighted material in your submissions unless you can also provide written documentation to indicate you have permission to use those materials. Materials licensed under permissive licenses such as Creative Commons are okay, but please indicate the source of the material in your app. If your app works with external hardware, please describe in your final submission the hardware required and how the app interacts with it. If possible, we will try to acquire hardware for testing, but your description of how the app interfaces with the hardware may be used for judging if the corresponding materials cannot be acquired.
via YouTube

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