Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Liked on YouTube: How to get Shareable link of your MIT App Inventor Project

How to get Shareable link of your MIT App Inventor Project

How to get the Shareable link of your MIT App Inventor Project. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1 """"""""""""""""""""" Publishing your app to the App Inventor Gallery The MIT App Inventor Gallery is the main site for sharing your App Inventor apps and checking out the apps and blocks of others. It is like Google Play, except open source-- all of the uploaded apps have source code (blocks) that you can study and remix! Think of it as one of the greatest open source learning studios ever created. If you're a teacher or run an after-school program, I encourage you to have your students publish their creative projects there. It is amazing how the motivation level rises when one knows that friends and the general public can view the final product of one's work. When my students present their apps, one of the first things they'll say (or be asked) is how many downloads it has on the gallery. It is also a great place to find apps for remixing. Why start from scratch when you can riff off previous work. Just be sure to give credit (attribution) in the description of your remixed app when you submit it to the gallery. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 2 """"""""""""""""""""" Go to drive.google.com. Check the box next to the file or folder you'd like to share. Click the Share icon google drive share icon. OR Click the More menu and select "Share..." Choose a visibility option: "Private," "Anyone with the link" or "Public on the web." visibility options Type the email addresses of the people you want to share within the text box below "Add people." You can add a single person, a mailing list, or choose from your contacts. Choose the access level from the drop-down menu next to each collaborator: "Can view," "Can comment" (Google documents and presentations only), or "Can edit." Click Share & save.
via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nf8UJ0o1c-U

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