Saturday, 19 May 2018

Complete list of Font Awesome icons with their CSS content values

             Complete list of Font Awesome icons with their CSS content values

"fab fa-500px",
"fab fa-accessible-icon",
"fab fa-accusoft",
"fas fa-address-book", "far fa-address-book",
"fas fa-address-card", "far fa-address-card",
"fas fa-adjust",
"fab fa-adn",
"fab fa-adversal",
"fab fa-affiliatetheme",
"fab fa-algolia",
"fas fa-align-center",
"fas fa-align-justify",
"fas fa-align-left",
"fas fa-align-right",
"fab fa-amazon",
"fas fa-ambulance",
"fas fa-american-sign-language-interpreting",
"fab fa-amilia",
"fas fa-anchor",
"fab fa-android",
"fab fa-angellist",
"fas fa-angle-double-down",
"fas fa-angle-double-left",
"fas fa-angle-double-right",
"fas fa-angle-double-up",
"fas fa-angle-down",
"fas fa-angle-left",
"fas fa-angle-right",
"fas fa-angle-up",
"fab fa-angrycreative",
"fab fa-angular",
"fab fa-app-store",
"fab fa-app-store-ios",
"fab fa-apper",
"fab fa-apple",
"fab fa-apple-pay",
"fas fa-archive",
"fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-down", "far fa-arrow-alt-circle-down",
"fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-left", "far fa-arrow-alt-circle-left",
"fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-right", "far fa-arrow-alt-circle-right",
"fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-up", "far fa-arrow-alt-circle-up",
"fas fa-arrow-circle-down",
"fas fa-arrow-circle-left",
"fas fa-arrow-circle-right",
"fas fa-arrow-circle-up",
"fas fa-arrow-down",
"fas fa-arrow-left",
"fas fa-arrow-right",
"fas fa-arrow-up",
"fas fa-arrows-alt",
"fas fa-arrows-alt-h",
"fas fa-arrows-alt-v",
"fas fa-assistive-listening-systems",
"fas fa-asterisk",
"fab fa-asymmetrik",
"fas fa-at",
"fab fa-audible",
"fas fa-audio-description",
"fab fa-autoprefixer",
"fab fa-avianex",
"fab fa-aviato",
"fab fa-aws",
"fas fa-backward",
"fas fa-balance-scale",
"fas fa-ban",
"fab fa-bandcamp",
"fas fa-barcode",
"fas fa-bars",
"fas fa-bath",
"fas fa-battery-empty",
"fas fa-battery-full",
"fas fa-battery-half",
"fas fa-battery-quarter",
"fas fa-battery-three-quarters",
"fas fa-bed",
"fas fa-beer",
"fab fa-behance",
"fab fa-behance-square",
"fas fa-bell", "far fa-bell",
"fas fa-bell-slash", "far fa-bell-slash",
"fas fa-bicycle",
"fab fa-bimobject",
"fas fa-binoculars",
"fas fa-birthday-cake",
"fab fa-bitbucket",
"fab fa-bitcoin",
"fab fa-bity",
"fab fa-black-tie",
"fab fa-blackberry",
"fas fa-blind",
"fab fa-blogger",
"fab fa-blogger-b",
"fab fa-bluetooth",
"fab fa-bluetooth-b",
"fas fa-bold",
"fas fa-bolt",
"fas fa-bomb",
"fas fa-book",
"fas fa-bookmark", "far fa-bookmark",
"fas fa-braille",
"fas fa-briefcase",
"fab fa-btc",
"fas fa-bug",
"fas fa-building", "far fa-building",
"fas fa-bullhorn",
"fas fa-bullseye",
"fab fa-buromobelexperte",
"fas fa-bus",
"fab fa-buysellads",
"fas fa-calculator",
"fas fa-calendar", "far fa-calendar",
"fas fa-calendar-alt", "far fa-calendar-alt",
"fas fa-calendar-check", "far fa-calendar-check",
"fas fa-calendar-minus", "far fa-calendar-minus",
"fas fa-calendar-plus", "far fa-calendar-plus",
"fas fa-calendar-times", "far fa-calendar-times",
"fas fa-camera",
"fas fa-camera-retro",
"fas fa-car",
"fas fa-caret-down",
"fas fa-caret-left",
"fas fa-caret-right",
"fas fa-caret-square-down", "far fa-caret-square-down",
"fas fa-caret-square-left", "far fa-caret-square-left",
"fas fa-caret-square-right", "far fa-caret-square-right",
"fas fa-caret-square-up", "far fa-caret-square-up",
"fas fa-caret-up",
"fas fa-cart-arrow-down",
"fas fa-cart-plus",
"fab fa-cc-amex",
"fab fa-cc-apple-pay",
"fab fa-cc-diners-club",
"fab fa-cc-discover",
"fab fa-cc-jcb",
"fab fa-cc-mastercard",
"fab fa-cc-paypal",
"fab fa-cc-stripe",
"fab fa-cc-visa",
"fab fa-centercode",
"fas fa-certificate",
"fas fa-chart-area",
"fas fa-chart-bar", "far fa-chart-bar",
"fas fa-chart-line",
"fas fa-chart-pie",
"fas fa-check",
"fas fa-check-circle", "far fa-check-circle",
"fas fa-check-square", "far fa-check-square",
"fas fa-chevron-circle-down",
"fas fa-chevron-circle-left",
"fas fa-chevron-circle-right",
"fas fa-chevron-circle-up",
"fas fa-chevron-down",
"fas fa-chevron-left",
"fas fa-chevron-right",
"fas fa-chevron-up",
"fas fa-child",
"fab fa-chrome",
"fas fa-circle", "far fa-circle",
"fas fa-circle-notch",
"fas fa-clipboard", "far fa-clipboard",
"fas fa-clock", "far fa-clock",
"fas fa-clone", "far fa-clone",
"fas fa-closed-captioning", "far fa-closed-captioning",
"fas fa-cloud",
"fas fa-cloud-download-alt",
"fas fa-cloud-upload-alt",
"fab fa-cloudscale",
"fab fa-cloudsmith",
"fab fa-cloudversify",
"fas fa-code",
"fas fa-code-branch",
"fab fa-codepen",
"fab fa-codiepie",
"fas fa-coffee",
"fas fa-cog",
"fas fa-cogs",
"fas fa-columns",
"fas fa-comment", "far fa-comment",
"fas fa-comment-alt", "far fa-comment-alt",
"fas fa-comments", "far fa-comments",
"fas fa-compass", "far fa-compass",
"fas fa-compress",
"fab fa-connectdevelop",
"fab fa-contao",
"fas fa-copy", "far fa-copy",
"fas fa-copyright", "far fa-copyright",
"fab fa-cpanel",
"fab fa-creative-commons",
"fas fa-credit-card", "far fa-credit-card",
"fas fa-crop",
"fas fa-crosshairs",
"fab fa-css3",
"fab fa-css3-alt",
"fas fa-cube",
"fas fa-cubes",
"fas fa-cut",
"fab fa-cuttlefish",
"fab fa-d-and-d",
"fab fa-dashcube",
"fas fa-database",
"fas fa-deaf",
"fab fa-delicious",
"fab fa-deploydog",
"fab fa-deskpro",
"fas fa-desktop",
"fab fa-deviantart",
"fab fa-digg",
"fab fa-digital-ocean",
"fab fa-discord",
"fab fa-discourse",
"fab fa-dochub",
"fab fa-docker",
"fas fa-dollar-sign",
"fas fa-dot-circle", "far fa-dot-circle",
"fas fa-download",
"fab fa-draft2digital",
"fab fa-dribbble",
"fab fa-dribbble-square",
"fab fa-dropbox",
"fab fa-drupal",
"fab fa-dyalog",
"fab fa-earlybirds",
"fab fa-edge",
"fas fa-edit", "far fa-edit",
"fas fa-eject",
"fas fa-ellipsis-h",
"fas fa-ellipsis-v",
"fab fa-ember",
"fab fa-empire",
"fas fa-envelope", "far fa-envelope",
"fas fa-envelope-open", "far fa-envelope-open",
"fas fa-envelope-square",
"fab fa-envira",
"fas fa-eraser",
"fab fa-erlang",
"fab fa-etsy",
"fas fa-euro-sign",
"fas fa-exchange-alt",
"fas fa-exclamation",
"fas fa-exclamation-circle",
"fas fa-exclamation-triangle",
"fas fa-expand",
"fas fa-expand-arrows-alt",
"fab fa-expeditedssl",
"fas fa-external-link-alt",
"fas fa-external-link-square-alt",
"fas fa-eye",
"fas fa-eye-dropper",
"fas fa-eye-slash", "far fa-eye-slash",
"fab fa-facebook",
"fab fa-facebook-f",
"fab fa-facebook-messenger",
"fab fa-facebook-square",
"fas fa-fast-backward",
"fas fa-fast-forward",
"fas fa-fax",
"fas fa-female",
"fas fa-fighter-jet",
"fas fa-file", "far fa-file",
"fas fa-file-alt", "far fa-file-alt",
"fas fa-file-archive", "far fa-file-archive",
"fas fa-file-audio", "far fa-file-audio",
"fas fa-file-code", "far fa-file-code",
"fas fa-file-excel", "far fa-file-excel",
"fas fa-file-image", "far fa-file-image",
"fas fa-file-pdf", "far fa-file-pdf",
"fas fa-file-powerpoint", "far fa-file-powerpoint",
"fas fa-file-video", "far fa-file-video",
"fas fa-file-word", "far fa-file-word",
"fas fa-film",
"fas fa-filter",
"fas fa-fire",
"fas fa-fire-extinguisher",
"fab fa-firefox",
"fab fa-first-order",
"fab fa-firstdraft",
"fas fa-flag", "far fa-flag",
"fas fa-flag-checkered",
"fas fa-flask",
"fab fa-flickr",
"fab fa-fly",
"fas fa-folder", "far fa-folder",
"fas fa-folder-open", "far fa-folder-open",
"fas fa-font",
"fab fa-font-awesome",
"fab fa-font-awesome-alt",
"fab fa-font-awesome-flag",
"fab fa-fonticons",
"fab fa-fonticons-fi",
"fab fa-fort-awesome",
"fab fa-fort-awesome-alt",
"fab fa-forumbee",
"fas fa-forward",
"fab fa-foursquare",
"fab fa-free-code-camp",
"fab fa-freebsd",
"fas fa-frown", "far fa-frown",
"fas fa-futbol", "far fa-futbol",
"fas fa-gamepad",
"fas fa-gavel",
"fas fa-gem", "far fa-gem",
"fas fa-genderless",
"fab fa-get-pocket",
"fab fa-gg",
"fab fa-gg-circle",
"fas fa-gift",
"fab fa-git",
"fab fa-git-square",
"fab fa-github",
"fab fa-github-alt",
"fab fa-github-square",
"fab fa-gitkraken",
"fab fa-gitlab",
"fab fa-gitter",
"fas fa-glass-martini",
"fab fa-glide",
"fab fa-glide-g",
"fas fa-globe",
"fab fa-gofore",
"fab fa-goodreads",
"fab fa-goodreads-g",
"fab fa-google",
"fab fa-google-drive",
"fab fa-google-play",
"fab fa-google-plus",
"fab fa-google-plus-g",
"fab fa-google-plus-square",
"fab fa-google-wallet",
"fas fa-graduation-cap",
"fab fa-gratipay",
"fab fa-grav",
"fab fa-gripfire",
"fab fa-grunt",
"fab fa-gulp",
"fas fa-h-square",
"fab fa-hacker-news",
"fab fa-hacker-news-square",
"fas fa-hand-lizard", "far fa-hand-lizard",
"fas fa-hand-paper", "far fa-hand-paper",
"fas fa-hand-peace", "far fa-hand-peace",
"fas fa-hand-point-down", "far fa-hand-point-down",
"fas fa-hand-point-left", "far fa-hand-point-left",
"fas fa-hand-point-right", "far fa-hand-point-right",
"fas fa-hand-point-up", "far fa-hand-point-up",
"fas fa-hand-pointer", "far fa-hand-pointer",
"fas fa-hand-rock", "far fa-hand-rock",
"fas fa-hand-scissors", "far fa-hand-scissors",
"fas fa-hand-spock", "far fa-hand-spock",
"fas fa-handshake", "far fa-handshake",
"fas fa-hashtag",
"fas fa-hdd", "far fa-hdd",
"fas fa-heading",
"fas fa-headphones",
"fas fa-heart", "far fa-heart",
"fas fa-heartbeat",
"fab fa-hire-a-helper",
"fas fa-history",
"fas fa-home",
"fab fa-hooli",
"fas fa-hospital", "far fa-hospital",
"fab fa-hotjar",
"fas fa-hourglass", "far fa-hourglass",
"fas fa-hourglass-end",
"fas fa-hourglass-half",
"fas fa-hourglass-start",
"fab fa-houzz",
"fab fa-html5",
"fab fa-hubspot",
"fas fa-i-cursor",
"fas fa-id-badge", "far fa-id-badge",
"fas fa-id-card", "far fa-id-card",
"fas fa-image", "far fa-image",
"fas fa-images", "far fa-images",
"fab fa-imdb",
"fas fa-inbox",
"fas fa-indent",
"fas fa-industry",
"fas fa-info",
"fas fa-info-circle",
"fab fa-instagram",
"fab fa-internet-explorer",
"fab fa-ioxhost",
"fas fa-italic",
"fab fa-itunes",
"fab fa-itunes-note",
"fab fa-jenkins",
"fab fa-joget",
"fab fa-joomla",
"fab fa-js",
"fab fa-js-square",
"fab fa-jsfiddle",
"fas fa-key",
"fas fa-keyboard", "far fa-keyboard",
"fab fa-keycdn",
"fab fa-kickstarter",
"fab fa-kickstarter-k",
"fas fa-language",
"fas fa-laptop",
"fab fa-laravel",
"fab fa-lastfm",
"fab fa-lastfm-square",
"fas fa-leaf",
"fab fa-leanpub",
"fas fa-lemon", "far fa-lemon",
"fab fa-less",
"fas fa-level-down-alt",
"fas fa-level-up-alt",
"fas fa-life-ring", "far fa-life-ring",
"fas fa-lightbulb", "far fa-lightbulb",
"fab fa-line",
"fas fa-link",
"fab fa-linkedin",
"fab fa-linkedin-in",
"fab fa-linode",
"fab fa-linux",
"fas fa-lira-sign",
"fas fa-list",
"fas fa-list-alt", "far fa-list-alt",
"fas fa-list-ol",
"fas fa-list-ul",
"fas fa-location-arrow",
"fas fa-lock",
"fas fa-lock-open",
"fas fa-long-arrow-alt-down",
"fas fa-long-arrow-alt-left",
"fas fa-long-arrow-alt-right",
"fas fa-long-arrow-alt-up",
"fas fa-low-vision",
"fab fa-lyft",
"fab fa-magento",
"fas fa-magic",
"fas fa-magnet",
"fas fa-male",
"fas fa-map", "far fa-map",
"fas fa-map-marker",
"fas fa-map-marker-alt",
"fas fa-map-pin",
"fas fa-map-signs",
"fas fa-mars",
"fas fa-mars-double",
"fas fa-mars-stroke",
"fas fa-mars-stroke-h",
"fas fa-mars-stroke-v",
"fab fa-maxcdn",
"fab fa-medapps",
"fab fa-medium",
"fab fa-medium-m",
"fas fa-medkit",
"fab fa-medrt",
"fab fa-meetup",
"fas fa-meh", "far fa-meh",
"fas fa-mercury",
"fas fa-microchip",
"fas fa-microphone",
"fas fa-microphone-slash",
"fab fa-microsoft",
"fas fa-minus",
"fas fa-minus-circle",
"fas fa-minus-square", "far fa-minus-square",
"fab fa-mix",
"fab fa-mixcloud",
"fab fa-mizuni",
"fas fa-mobile",
"fas fa-mobile-alt",
"fab fa-modx",
"fab fa-monero",
"fas fa-money-bill-alt", "far fa-money-bill-alt",
"fas fa-moon", "far fa-moon",
"fas fa-motorcycle",
"fas fa-mouse-pointer",
"fas fa-music",
"fab fa-napster",
"fas fa-neuter",
"fas fa-newspaper", "far fa-newspaper",
"fab fa-nintendo-switch",
"fab fa-node",
"fab fa-node-js",
"fab fa-npm",
"fab fa-ns8",
"fab fa-nutritionix",
"fas fa-object-group", "far fa-object-group",
"fas fa-object-ungroup", "far fa-object-ungroup",
"fab fa-odnoklassniki",
"fab fa-odnoklassniki-square",
"fab fa-opencart",
"fab fa-openid",
"fab fa-opera",
"fab fa-optin-monster",
"fab fa-osi",
"fas fa-outdent",
"fab fa-page4",
"fab fa-pagelines",
"fas fa-paint-brush",
"fab fa-palfed",
"fas fa-paper-plane", "far fa-paper-plane",
"fas fa-paperclip",
"fas fa-paragraph",
"fas fa-paste",
"fab fa-patreon",
"fas fa-pause",
"fas fa-pause-circle", "far fa-pause-circle",
"fas fa-paw",
"fab fa-paypal",
"fas fa-pen-square",
"fas fa-pencil-alt",
"fas fa-percent",
"fab fa-periscope",
"fab fa-phabricator",
"fab fa-phoenix-framework",
"fas fa-phone",
"fas fa-phone-square",
"fas fa-phone-volume",
"fab fa-pied-piper",
"fab fa-pied-piper-alt",
"fab fa-pied-piper-pp",
"fab fa-pinterest",
"fab fa-pinterest-p",
"fab fa-pinterest-square",
"fas fa-plane",
"fas fa-play",
"fas fa-play-circle", "far fa-play-circle",
"fab fa-playstation",
"fas fa-plug",
"fas fa-plus",
"fas fa-plus-circle",
"fas fa-plus-square", "far fa-plus-square",
"fas fa-podcast",
"fas fa-pound-sign",
"fas fa-power-off",
"fas fa-print",
"fab fa-product-hunt",
"fab fa-pushed",
"fas fa-puzzle-piece",
"fab fa-python",
"fab fa-qq",
"fas fa-qrcode",
"fas fa-question",
"fas fa-question-circle", "far fa-question-circle",
"fab fa-quora",
"fas fa-quote-left",
"fas fa-quote-right",
"fas fa-random",
"fab fa-ravelry",
"fab fa-react",
"fab fa-rebel",
"fas fa-recycle",
"fab fa-red-river",
"fab fa-reddit",
"fab fa-reddit-alien",
"fab fa-reddit-square",
"fas fa-redo",
"fas fa-redo-alt",
"fas fa-registered", "far fa-registered",
"fab fa-rendact",
"fab fa-renren",
"fas fa-reply",
"fas fa-reply-all",
"fab fa-replyd",
"fab fa-resolving",
"fas fa-retweet",
"fas fa-road",
"fas fa-rocket",
"fab fa-rocketchat",
"fab fa-rockrms",
"fas fa-rss",
"fas fa-rss-square",
"fas fa-ruble-sign",
"fas fa-rupee-sign",
"fab fa-safari",
"fab fa-sass",
"fas fa-save", "far fa-save",
"fab fa-schlix",
"fab fa-scribd",
"fas fa-search",
"fas fa-search-minus",
"fas fa-search-plus",
"fab fa-searchengin",
"fab fa-sellcast",
"fab fa-sellsy",
"fas fa-server",
"fab fa-servicestack",
"fas fa-share",
"fas fa-share-alt",
"fas fa-share-alt-square",
"fas fa-share-square", "far fa-share-square",
"fas fa-shekel-sign",
"fas fa-shield-alt",
"fas fa-ship",
"fab fa-shirtsinbulk",
"fas fa-shopping-bag",
"fas fa-shopping-basket",
"fas fa-shopping-cart",
"fas fa-shower",
"fas fa-sign-in-alt",
"fas fa-sign-language",
"fas fa-sign-out-alt",
"fas fa-signal",
"fab fa-simplybuilt",
"fab fa-sistrix",
"fas fa-sitemap",
"fab fa-skyatlas",
"fab fa-skype",
"fab fa-slack",
"fab fa-slack-hash",
"fas fa-sliders-h",
"fab fa-slideshare",
"fas fa-smile", "far fa-smile",
"fab fa-snapchat",
"fab fa-snapchat-ghost",
"fab fa-snapchat-square",
"fas fa-snowflake", "far fa-snowflake",
"fas fa-sort",
"fas fa-sort-alpha-down",
"fas fa-sort-alpha-up",
"fas fa-sort-amount-down",
"fas fa-sort-amount-up",
"fas fa-sort-down",
"fas fa-sort-numeric-down",
"fas fa-sort-numeric-up",
"fas fa-sort-up",
"fab fa-soundcloud",
"fas fa-space-shuttle",
"fab fa-speakap",
"fas fa-spinner",
"fab fa-spotify",
"fas fa-square", "far fa-square",
"fab fa-stack-exchange",
"fab fa-stack-overflow",
"fas fa-star", "far fa-star",
"fas fa-star-half", "far fa-star-half",
"fab fa-staylinked",
"fab fa-steam",
"fab fa-steam-square",
"fab fa-steam-symbol",
"fas fa-step-backward",
"fas fa-step-forward",
"fas fa-stethoscope",
"fab fa-sticker-mule",
"fas fa-sticky-note", "far fa-sticky-note",
"fas fa-stop",
"fas fa-stop-circle", "far fa-stop-circle",
"fab fa-strava",
"fas fa-street-view",
"fas fa-strikethrough",
"fab fa-stripe",
"fab fa-stripe-s",
"fab fa-studiovinari",
"fab fa-stumbleupon",
"fab fa-stumbleupon-circle",
"fas fa-subscript",
"fas fa-subway",
"fas fa-suitcase",
"fas fa-sun", "far fa-sun",
"fab fa-superpowers",
"fas fa-superscript",
"fab fa-supple",
"fas fa-sync",
"fas fa-sync-alt",
"fas fa-table",
"fas fa-tablet",
"fas fa-tablet-alt",
"fas fa-tachometer-alt",
"fas fa-tag",
"fas fa-tags",
"fas fa-tasks",
"fas fa-taxi",
"fab fa-telegram",
"fab fa-telegram-plane",
"fab fa-tencent-weibo",
"fas fa-terminal",
"fas fa-text-height",
"fas fa-text-width",
"fas fa-th",
"fas fa-th-large",
"fas fa-th-list",
"fab fa-themeisle",
"fas fa-thermometer-empty",
"fas fa-thermometer-full",
"fas fa-thermometer-half",
"fas fa-thermometer-quarter",
"fas fa-thermometer-three-quarters",
"fas fa-thumbs-down", "far fa-thumbs-down",
"fas fa-thumbs-up", "far fa-thumbs-up",
"fas fa-thumbtack",
"fas fa-ticket-alt",
"fas fa-times",
"fas fa-times-circle", "far fa-times-circle",
"fas fa-tint",
"fas fa-toggle-off",
"fas fa-toggle-on",
"fas fa-trademark",
"fas fa-train",
"fas fa-transgender",
"fas fa-transgender-alt",
"fas fa-trash",
"fas fa-trash-alt", "far fa-trash-alt",
"fas fa-tree",
"fab fa-trello",
"fab fa-tripadvisor",
"fas fa-trophy",
"fas fa-truck",
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"fas fa-undo-alt",
"fab fa-uniregistry",
"fas fa-universal-access",
"fas fa-university",
"fas fa-unlink",
"fas fa-unlock",
"fas fa-unlock-alt",
"fab fa-untappd",
"fas fa-upload",
"fab fa-usb",
"fas fa-user", "far fa-user",
"fas fa-user-circle", "far fa-user-circle",
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"fas fa-window-close", "far fa-window-close",
"fas fa-window-maximize", "far fa-window-maximize",
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Thursday, 17 May 2018

What is Font Awesome icons with Example

                           Font Awesome icons

Font Awesome
Font Awesome 2017 Logo.svg
Developer(s) Font Awesome Team
Initial release 21 August 2012; 5 years ago
Stable release
5.0.9 / 27 March 2018; 51 days ago[1]
Operating system Cross-platform (web-based application)
License Freemium
Font Awesome is a font and icon toolkit based on CSS and LESS. It was made by Dave Gandy for use with Twitter Bootstrap, and later was incorporated into the BootstrapCDN. Font Awesome has a 20% market share among those websites which use third-party Font Scripts on their platform, ranking it second place after Google Fonts.[2]

Font Awesome 5 was released on December 7, 2017 with 1,278 icons[3]. Version 5 comes in two packages: Font Awesome Free and the proprietary Font Awesome Pro (available for a fee). The free versions (all releases up to 4 and the free version for 5) are available under SIL Open Font License 1.1, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0, and MIT License.

                                       Font Awesome icons Example

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<body bgcolor="black"">

<i class="fa fa-car" style="font-size:60px;color:red;"></i>
<i class="fa fa-facebook" style="font-size:60px;color:blue;"></i>
<i class="fa fa-twitter" style="font-size:60px;color:white"></i>
<i class="fa fa-instagram" style="font-size:60px;color:lightgreen;"></i>


Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Comparable and Comparator in JAVA


Comparable and Comparator are two interfaces provided by Java Core API. From their names, we can tell they may be used for comparing stuff in some way. But what exactly are they and what is the difference between them? The following are two examples for answering this question. The simple examples compare two HDTV's size. How to use Comparable vs. Comparator is obvious after reading the code.

1. Comparable
Comparable is implemented by a class in order to be able to comparing object of itself with some other objects. The class itself must implement the interface in order to be able to compare its instance(s). The method required for implementation is compareTo().

2. Comparator

In some situations, you may not want to change a class and make it comparable. In such cases, Comparatorcan be used if you want to compare objects based on certain attributes/fields. For example, 2 persons can be compared based on `height` or `age` etc. (this can not be done using comparable.)

The method required to implement is compare(). Now let's use another way to compare those TV by size. One common use of Comparator is sorting. Both Collections and Arrays classes provide a sort method which use a Comparator.

Sunday, 13 May 2018

What is Hibernate framework in java with Architecture

What is Hibernate framework in java with Architecture Hibernate ORM (Hibernate in short) is an object-relational mapping tool for the Java programming language. It provides a framework for mapping an object-oriented domain model to a relational database. Hibernate handles object-relational impedance mismatch problems by replacing direct, persistent database accesses with high-level object handling functions. Hibernate is free software that is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1. Hibernate's primary feature is mapping from Java classes to database tables, and mapping from Java data types to SQL data types. Hibernate also provides data query and retrieval facilities. It generates SQL calls and relieves the developer from the manual handling and object conversion of the result set. Mapping The mapping of Java classes to database tables is implemented by the configuration of an XML file or by using Java Annotations. When using an XML file, Hibernate can generate skeleton source code for the persistence classes. This is auxiliary when annotations are used. Hibernate can use the XML file or the Java annotations to maintain the database schema. There are provided facilities to arrange one-to-many and many-to-many relationships between classes. In addition to managing associations between objects, Hibernate can also manage reflexive associations wherein an object has a one-to-many relationship with other instances of the class type. Hibernate supports the mapping of custom value types. This makes the following scenarios possible: Overriding the default SQL type when mapping a column to a property. Mapping Java Enums to columns as though they were regular properties. Mapping a single property to multiple columns. Definition: Objects in an object-oriented application follow OOP principles, while objects in the back-end follow database normalization principles, resulting in different representation requirements. This problem is called "object-relational impedance mismatch". Mapping is a way of resolving the object-relational impedance mismatch problem. Mapping informs the ORM tool of what Java class object to store in which database table. Hibernate Query Language (HQL) Hibernate provides an SQL inspired language called Hibernate Query Language (HQL) that allows SQL-like queries to be written against Hibernate's data objects. Criteria Queries are provided as an object-oriented alternative to HQL. Criteria Query is used to modify the objects and provide the restriction for the objects. HQL (Hibernate Query Language) is the object-oriented version of SQL. It generates database independent queries so that there is no need to write database-specific queries. Without this capability, changing the database would require individual SQL queries to be changed as well, leading to maintenance issues. Persistence Hibernate provides transparent persistence for Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs). The only strict requirement for a persistent class is a no-argument constructor, not necessarily public. Proper behavior in some applications also requires special attention to the equals() and hashCode() methods.[1] Hibernate recommends providing identifier attribute and it's becoming a requirement in an upcoming release.[2] Collections of data objects are typically stored in Java collection classes such as implementations of the Set and List interfaces. Java generics, introduced in Java 5, are supported. Hibernate can be configured to lazy load associated collections. Lazy loading is the default as of Hibernate 3. Related objects can be configured to cascade operations from one to the other. For example, a parent Album object can be configured to cascade its save and/or delete operation to its child Track objects Integration Hibernate can be used both in standalone Java applications and in Java EE applications using servlets, EJB session beans, and JBI service components. It can also be included as a feature in other programming languages. For example, Adobe integrated Hibernate into version 9 of ColdFusion (which runs on J2EE app servers) with an abstraction layer of new functions and syntax added into CFML. Entities and components In Hibernate jargon, an entity is a stand-alone object in Hibernate's persistent mechanism which can be manipulated independently of other objects. In contrast, a component is subordinate to an entity and can be manipulated only with respect to that entity. For example, an Album object may represent an entity; but the Tracks object associated with the Album objects would represent a component of the Album entity, if it is assumed that Tracks can only be saved or retrieved from the database through the Album object. Unlike J2EE, Hibernate can switch databases.

Monday, 7 May 2018

Microsoft's Visual Studio Live Share collaboration service available to testers

Microsoft's Visual Studio Live Share collaboration service available to testers.

Late last year, Microsoft offered a sneak peek of a new service that would allow developers to collaborate and share projects in a secure way. That service, known as Visual Studio Live Share, is available as of May 7 to testers.
Microsoft announced the preview of Visual Studio Live Share during its Day 1 Build 2018 developer conference.
Visual Studio Live Share lets developers work across Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code, Microsoft's lightweight source code editor for Windows, Linux and macOS. Live Share users can use their development languages and frameworks of choice.
Visual Studio Live Share will allow developers who aren't in the same physical location to edit and debug the same code simultaneously in their personalized editor or integrated development environments. The service won't provide just simple screen sharing; they will allow developers to sync repos to collaborate; edit and debug in real-time; and do pair programming on the fly. Microsoft initially is optimizing Visual Studio Live Share for C# and JavaScript/Typescript files.

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Aspect Oriented Programming

    Aspect Oriented Programming

Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) compliments OOPs in the sense that it also provides modularity. But the key unit of modularity is aspect than class.

AOP breaks the program logic into distinct parts (called concerns). It is used to increase modularity by cross-cutting concerns.
cross-cutting concern is a concern that can affect the whole application and should be centralized in one location in code as possible, such as transaction management, authentication, logging, security etc

AOP Concepts and Terminology

AOP concepts and terminologies are as follows:
  • Join point
  • Advice
  • Pointcut
  • Introduction
  • Target Object
  • Aspect
  • Interceptor
  • AOP Proxy
  • Weaving


Advice represents an action taken by an aspect at a particular join point. There are different types of advices:
  • Before Advice: it executes before a join point.
  • After Returning Advice: it executes after a joint point completes normally.
  • After Throwing Advice: it executes if method exits by throwing an exception.
  • After (finally) Advice: it executes after a join point regardless of join point exit whether normally or exceptional return.
  • Around Advice: It executes before and after a join point.

What’s the Best RESTful Web API Framework

What’s the Best RESTful Web API Framework 

Tist of mature well-formed frameworks that could fit the current development processes



  • ASP.Net
  • AWS API Gateway with AWS Lambda
  • Spring (Java)
  • Express (Node.js)
  • Loopback (Node.js)
  • Restify (Node.js)
  • Django (Python)
  • Flask (Python)
  • Rails (Ruby)


Friday, 4 May 2018

We are published our first Android App

       We are published  our first Android App

😍Developer on Weekends #shorts #officememes #developermemes

😍Developer on Weekends #shorts #officememes #developermemes Welcome to the latest viral YouTube shorts meme for developers! 😍Developer on...